Segmentation With A Product-Centric Approach to Amplify Growth

As the next generation Guest Experience Platform, a broad segmentation resulted in adoption and growth challenges. We built a product that is the fastest, smartest, easiest to use and most flexible to implement, yet adoption wasn’t where we’d like it to be. Spread too thin to accelerate In the early days, we targeted restaurants, bars, […]

Product Prioritisation – From RICE to TRICE

Product prioritisation is one of those parts of product persons life which is part science and part art. As for many things in Product – the answer to the what prioritisation framework do you use – is “it depends” You’ll find a lot of literature on the range of product prioritisation frameworks. Product Prioritisation Framework […]

Product Analytics – Considerations

In the age of data-based decision making, having no product analytics is akin to sitting in an airport traffic control tower and directing aircrafts while the radar is down. Synonymous with flying blind. Adding a Product Analytics stack to the product-tech-stack involves different dimensions of considerations. We’re a relatively small startup building a platform that […]

User interview – the CDH way

Conducting a user interview is a mix of art and science. There are several ways to do it, depending your context. When diving deeper into this topic, I came across Continuous Discovery Habits (CDH) by Teresa Torres. This was an extremely enriching read for me. While the book has several practical nuggets on user interviews, […]

User persona – Who IS my user?

When developing, marketing & selling a product it is crucial to understand who is my targeted user. Dive deeper into the business outcomes to derive where can you extract growth from. There are more elements to think of in multi-sided business models. There are also differences in B2B vs. B2B2C businesses. Think hard and align […]

Empowered team or an Isolated Product team?

Marty Cagan has always been a champion of the concept of an Empowered Team. There’s quite some literature on the topic now and there are several proponents of this concept. I strongly believe in this concept as well. Running an organization like this gives the ability to distribute decision-making to the edges of the organization. […]