Google’s move will impact Secure Element makers

Google, a mobile platform maker (of Android), starts to de-emphasize carrier-based NFC. As per IDC’s report (Aug 2013), Android accounts for 79% of the Smartphone shipments as on 2Q2013. iOS (through iPhones) accounts for another 13% of the Smartphone shipments. If Google manages to establish the Host-Card-Emulation standard as an alternative to the secure-element(SE) based NFC transactions, […]

Marissa Mayer’s Unauthorized Biography .. via Business Insider

Wow.. just finished reading “The Truth About Marissa Mayer: An Unauthorized Biography” by Nicholas Carlson at Business Insider; I couldn’t stop myself from sharing this here. Its quite long, but quite the thriller in itself.. ! The part I liked best  …. The past two years at Google — since she was, according to the rest of […]

Windows Phone based Smartphones register highest YoY growth

The International Data Corporation (IDC) released its latest Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker!  Here are a few key takeaways from the report: Total Smartphone market grew 51% YoY Smartphones based on Windows Phone registered highest YoY growth in shipments (77.6%), followed by those based on Android (73.5%) & iOS (20%) Nokia registered a 73.2% YoY growth in […]

Ford’s vision of Cars & the “Internet of Things”

The Internet of Things – specifically the case of Connected Cars. While a lot of it is already a reality, an interesting perspective brought out is that a technology can assist car driving experience than take over complete control. [youtube=] via Venture Beat: How Ford plans to bring cars into the ‘Internet of things’

Use Google Maps on phone – while you Roam!

(EU to end mobile roaming charges next year via The Telegraph) European politicians at Brussels vote for a roaming-free telecom universe in Europe from 2014. Users will benefit from ‘home rates’ for voice calls, texts & internet access across boundaries in Europe. While this might boost industry consolidation in the years to come – I see […]

Google buys Waze – protects its territory

Three major reasons why Google buys Waze (The entire story is HERE – via Bloomberg) Improve its current mapping product in mobile-navigation products Keep competition at bay – rid them of a chance from a quick gain through acquisition Leverage an established ‘Crowdsourcing platform’ for its mapping product

Yahoo continues its acquisition spree – a bid for Hulu this time!

Yahoo continues its acquisition spree – this time it has bid for Hulu brings along a lot of content along with demographic data to complement the Tumblr acquisition. Yahoo competes with media giants and private equity firms for this bid! The ‘range’ of the bid indicates its desperation – clearly it does not want to […]