Are you happy with your LinkedIn account?

Being an active job seeker, I spend a lot of time on LinkedIn. Over the past few months I have seen several changes in LinkedIn, from the web user interface to the business focus. Starting with a Freemium business model back in 2003, it has evolved into a multi-sided business model. The LinkedIn Recruiter Product back from […]

Marissa Mayer’s Unauthorized Biography .. via Business Insider

Wow.. just finished reading “The Truth About Marissa Mayer: An Unauthorized Biography” by Nicholas Carlson at Business Insider; I couldn’t stop myself from sharing this here. Its quite long, but quite the thriller in itself.. ! The part I liked best  …. The past two years at Google — since she was, according to the rest of […]

The product manager vs the product owner

An interesting read about the worlds of Product Owners & Product Managers on Pragmatic Marketing. The article has quite an interesting start, read on to find more… The Mythical Product Owner Product Managers must quickly adapt to the Agile methodology, or face becoming sidelined. It is critical to understand the relationship between traditional and new […]

Reframing – the key to happiness – @ TEDxAthens

Rory Sutherland’s perspective on “Perspective”. An amazing talk which correctly points out the importance of perceived value. An interesting point brought out – successful businesses have done well with finding solutions that meet the sweet spot between technology, economics & psychology. Go ahead.. have a look.. 18 minutes well invested… [youtube=]

Windows Phone based Smartphones register highest YoY growth

The International Data Corporation (IDC) released its latest Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker!  Here are a few key takeaways from the report: Total Smartphone market grew 51% YoY Smartphones based on Windows Phone registered highest YoY growth in shipments (77.6%), followed by those based on Android (73.5%) & iOS (20%) Nokia registered a 73.2% YoY growth in […]

“Revenge of the nerds” via The Economist

‘Revenge of the nerds‘, the article from The Economist delves in an interesting question. While financial technology firms will upset the apple-cart for bank & financial institutions, how far can this wave go? Developed economies are witnessing increasing application areas with the proliferation of smart phones, cloud based services and mobile banking platforms. How will incumbents create levers […]